Information about Benjamin Rempfler

Benjamin was born 15.4.1978 in Appenzell. Being the son of a farmer, he automatically grew into the culture and traditions of Appenzell.

By the age of 8, Beni received his first dulcimer and started taking music lessons with Walter Alder. Soon after he delivered his first performance, together with his brother. At the age of 12 he co-founded the group “Dibi Däbi” and started to play the piano. Hence he helped out in many Appenzeller bands as either dulcimer or piano player.
After finishing his apprenticeship as a bricklayer foreman he additionally learned the farming profession.

In November 1997 he played his first show with the “Appenzeller Echo”. In this group he plays original compositions as well as the entire range of string music, Appenzeller music, salon- and table music and other folkloristic styles.

Since 2004 Beni has taken over the parental farm, near Appenzell and offers among other things accommodation (rooms & vacation apartment):

The farm is located very quiet and idyllic on the Sitter (small river), outside the village of Appenzell (walk about 30 min). Benjamin offers vacation rooms and a comfortable, homely vacation apartment in this beautiful setting; ideal for families. More Info…

Benjamin Rempfler